Read Our Expert Podiatric Blog - Jeffrie C. Leibovitz, DPM


Big Toe Pain? Here’s the Real Deal on Hallux Rigidus vs. Gout

Let’s talk about your big toe—the MVP of balance, walking, and making sure you don’t trip over flat surfaces. But now, it’s causing all kinds of problems. It hurts. It’s stiff. There’s even a weird bump on top. And let’s be real, you’re kind of over it. So, what’s...

Tips for Combating Common Winter Foot Problems

Winter might bring a sense of holiday magic, but let’s be real—it’s also the season for sore feet, fungal infections, and the dreaded ice-induced falls. Your feet deserve better than that! Fear not, because your go-to foot doc will help you how to keep your feet...

Why Can’t I Feel My Feet?

Why Can’t I Feel My Feet?

So, you’ve noticed your feet feeling like they’re ghosting you? Going numb, tingling, even burning for no good reason? Don’t ignore it – your feet are trying to tell you something. When it comes to keeping you moving, nerves and blood flow are the VIPs. If they’re on...

Pickleball & Your Feet

Pickleball & Your Feet

What do bored teenagers in the 1960s and the fastest-growing activity in the world have in common? That is how Pickleball started. (Google it if you do not believe me). If you have just started playing – welcome to the most social activity around. We want you to play...

Fungal Toenails in the Wilderness: Strategies and Solutions

Listen up, thrill-seekers! Before you gear up and hit the wild trails, there's something you need to take care of—those feet of yours. Yep, we’re talking about the real MVPs of your adventure. But here's the deal: if you’ve got athlete’s foot or some seriously...

Fungal Toenails: Strategies and Solutions

Fungal Toenails: Strategies and Solutions

You've probably seen those gnarly, thick, discolored nails that scream "fungal infection!" But do you know how it all begins? And why waiting until it's a disaster zone is such a bad idea? Let’s dive deep into the fungus jungle and uncover all you need to know about...

Stretches for Heel Pain

Stretches for Heel Pain

Some things in life are painful, but we endure them because it’s just the way the world works. Waiting at the BMV, in-law visits, and heel pain from plantar fasciitis are all torturous in their own ways, but at least something can be done about one of those examples....

Should I Wear Shoes in the House?

Should I Wear Shoes in the House?

The Great Shoe Debate: Should You Wear Shoes in the House?  Forget about talking politics or religion.  If you want to start a heated debate among friends, family, and neighbors – bring up the subject of shoes or no shoes in the house.  The Post-Covid landscape has...