Watch Our Videos About Corrective Devices - Jeffrie C. Leibovitz, DPM

Device Videos

Corrective Devices

“How to Use an Equinus Stretching Brace”

“Extremit-Ease Compression Garment”

“Non Weight Bearing Devices”

“How to Use an Equinus Stretching Brace”

Dr. Jeffrie Leibovitz, Indy’s Go To Foot Doc, teaches how to put on and take off an Equinus Stretching Brace. Check out more of our website to read about this, and a variety of other podiatry topics!

“Extremit-Ease Compression Garment”

Tired of the overly difficult compression sock? Check out this new garment that not only works better than compression socks but also is much easier to put on! Thanks, Extremit-Ease! Check out our other videos on all things podiatry right here on our website!

“Non Weight Bearing Devices”

Dr. Jeffrie Leibovitz, featuring non weight bearing devices: iwalk2.0 (pirate crutch) and knee scooter (knee cart). Watch to learn more!

“What To Do When Your Foot Is Taped”

Rocker Bottom Shoe Review

“What To Do When Your Foot Is Taped”

Dr. Jeffrie Leibovitz of Indianapolis discusses how to care for your foot after it is taped. This is used as a test for orthotics. Watch the video here to learn more.

Rocker Bottom Shoe Review

Dr. Leibovitz discusses the Hoka Speedgoat 4 rocker bottom shoes and how they can help keep your feet pain-free from such ailments as plantar fasciitis. Check them out now!

Custom Orthotics

“What Kind of Conditions Can Custom Orthotics Treat?”

“Accommodative Vs. Biomechanical Orthotics”

“Custom Orthotics Can Treat Your Ankle Pain”

“What Kind of Conditions Can Custom Orthotics Treat?”

Custom orthotics are designed and used to treat a large variety of conditions in the foot and ankle. They can be used to correct structural issues, prevent issues from getting worse, and relieve pain. If you think you might benefit from custom orthotics, contact our office today.

“Accommodative Vs. Biomechanical Orthotics”

Each type of orthotic has a specific use. Most accommodative are flexible and can be used to protect your foot and offload pressure. Biomechanical orthotics are intended to correct structural flaws in the foot and ankle.

“Custom Orthotics Can Treat Your Ankle Pain”

Although orthotics are commonly referred to for relieving foot pain, they can also be effective in relieving pain in other part of the body. The mechanics of your ankle and foot work together – when something is off in one, it can cause pain in the other. Custom orthotics are used to correct the root issue and make the mechanics of the foot and ankle work as intended.

“Custom Orthotics Can Treat Your Bunions”

“Custom Orthotics Can Treat Plantar Fasciitis (Heel Pain)”

“Custom Orthotic FAQs (Foot and Ankle Questions)”

“Custom Orthotics Can Treat Your Bunions”

Bunions are a genetic disorder that has to deal with the biomechanics of the foot. Custom orthotics are used for bunion treatment to help prevent the progression of an exisiting bunion and relieve pain.

“Custom Orthotics Can Treat Plantar Fasciitis (Heel Pain)”

Welcome to IFOPFP (International Fraternal Organization for Plantar Fascia Patients) – we call this meeting to order! If you are suffering from heel pain caused by plantar fasciitis, custom orthotics might be the solution for you!

“Custom Orthotic FAQs (Foot and Ankle Questions)”

We have heard your questions! There is a lot of speculation about what a custom orthotic can do for you and what kind of orthotic you should use – we are going to answer all of these questions and more in this video.

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