Custom Orthotics for Treating Foot & Ankle Pain - Jeffrie C. Leibovitz, DPM

Our Custom Orthotics Program is Catered to Your Needs

Whenever possible, our office tries our best to use conservative methods to treat foot and ankle pain before resorting to more invasive options. That’s where custom orthotics come in. They can be used to treat a wide variety of conditions, including heel pain, bunions, and even ankle pain. Watch the video on this page, or click through to our other web-pages below to learn more about some of the conditions that our custom orthotic program can help relieve. You won’t be disappointed – we promise!

Orthotics for Heel Pain

One of the most common conditions we see, heel pain caused by plantar fasciitis can be easily treated with custom orthotics.

In fact, we have a 95% success rate when treating heel pain with this method! 

We highly recommend this treatment for many heel pain patients, and created a program surrounding our state of-the-art orthotics.

Click below to learn more about how orthotics can help treat your heel pain and keep it from coming back!

Orthotics for Bunions?

Yes, you heard that right! Bunions happen when your feet aren’t distributing weight and pressure correctly, resulting in the big (and often painful) bump on the side of your foot.

You’ll know if you’re a good candidate – just see if bunions run in your family. If your parents or grandparents had them and you don’t have any right now, it’s time to be proactive and come in!

The sooner you start addressing bunions, the greater impact you can have in keeping the bump at bay.

Click below for details on how our program can help you.

Orthotics for Ankle Pain

Another common condition easily treated by orthotics.

Ankles are among the most intricate parts of your body, and when the ankle becomes weak or imbalanced (say, by an injury like an ankle sprain or break) orthotics become just what the go-to doctor ordered!

Orthotics, along with specialized therapy and stretching exercises, keep your ankle stabilized and help restore the balance and mobility you need. 

Click below for more details on how custom orthotics can benefit your ankle health.

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